Here are great fantasy and horror tales by current and upcoming masters of the genre. Included are:
- Childhood’s Dread, by Taye Carrol
- The Other Neighbors, by Daniel Davis
- Rare Air, by Mark Slade
- The Children, by J.E. Álamo
- The Radiant Boy, by Kevin Wetmore
- The Whisperer in the Woods, by Peter Schranz
- Sweet Oblivion, by Andrew Darlington
- An Unsolicited Lucidity, by Lee Clark Zumpe
- Black Carnival, by Bobby Cranestone
- The Howard Family Tradition, by P. R. O’Leary
- Hell in a Boxcar, by Scott A. Cupp
- Jorogumo, by Kelda Crich
- Clay Baby, by Jack Lee Taylor
- The Corpse and the Rat: A Story of Friendship, by Joshua L. Hood
- Getting Thin, by DJ Tyrer
- Maybe Next Door, by Richard LaPore
- Containment Protocol, by Leeman Kessler
- Under a Rock, by Lori R. Lopez
- The Children Must Be Hungry, by L.F. Falconer
- The Road to Hell, by Kevin L. O’Brien
- Maggot Coffee, by Roy C. Booth and Axel Kohagen
- Baby Mine, by Marilyn “Mattie” Brahen •In Blackwalk Wood, by Adrian Cole
- My Longing to See Tamar, by Jessica Amanda Salmonson
- Gust of Wind Made by Swinging a Blade, by Molly N. Moss
Poetry by: Chad Hensley, Wade German, K.A. Opperman, Ashley Dioses, Frederick J. Mayer, and Darrell Schweitzer