The Esoteric, Vol. II (July 1888 - June 1889)

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This volume is a facsimile reprint of a complete year (July 1888 to June 1889) of "The Esoteric" -- A Magazine of Advanced and Practical Esoteric Thought. It includes articles about such topics as "The Astral Light," "Roads to Immortality," and "Transformation of Matter." The editorial policy of the magazine is stated: "Our object in publishing THE ESOTERIC is to present METHODS of attainment to those persons who have, by the processes of development, reached a point in their experience where they feel the need of a higher order of Life, and are seeking a way by which they may come into the understanding of the object of our life in the flesh, and obtain a fuller development of all their faculties, Physical, Mental, and Spiritual."